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One Tribe. One Mission.

Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.

Liam Portrait v3.jpg

Liam Pfiefer

Title Here

Kathleen Portrait v1.jpg

Kathleen Last

Title Here

Jaleel Portrait v1.jpg

Jaleel Last

Title Here

Torrence Portrait v1.jpg

Torrence Last

Titel Here

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Place holder text about the team, or a call to action to contact or support the cause. Can place a button underneath this text to bring to contact page or to donation.

Liam Action v1.jpg

Liam Pfiefer

Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.
Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.


Kathleen Lastname

Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.
Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.

Jaleel Action v1.jpg

Jaleel Lastname

Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.
Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.

Torrence Action v2.jpg

Torrence lastname

Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.
Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.Place holder text about the team.To be a beacon of hope for incarcerated humans to transform their lives and reenter with dignity and actualize their contribution to society.

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